
Art Pyrite - VST Instrument

Powerful atmospheric 32 bit software synthesizer. It creates unique variable Atmospheres, Soundscapes, Pads, Textures, Ambient, Sound Effects & Rhythmic and Melodic Sequences.

Running ART Pyrite 32 bit plugin in a 64 bit host might require a bridge-adapter/wrapper like JBridge.
This is not necessary if you use a 64 bit OS (Vista or Windows 7/8/10) and a 32 bit host.

If you use REAPER/64bit or FL STUDIO/64bit, you can run ART Pyrite without any additional bridge-adapter.

ART Pyrite VST synthesizer offers a wide spectrum of miscellaneous sounds, suitable for all music styles including NewAge and Movie Music.

You can easily create your own presets with basic sounds or by using sounds from external SF2 files. You also can create dynamic sequences by using wide possibilities of the modulation section and/or by using an included step sequencer for one oscillator, couple of oscillators or all oscillators. There is also available the Random button which can be used to change most of the parameters including changes of waveforms to create really unique sounds.

Latest version 1.51

Choir & Strings - The included Additional Sound Library
Sound Library Choir & Strings is another collection of sounds for ART Pyrite.

It includes SF2 file with 128 categorized sounds and 256 presets of miscellaneous Choirs, Strings, Pads, Atmospheres and Rhythmic / Melodic Sequences.

You can hear some MP3 demos by the player below.
MP3 demos recorded of this sound library are marked "Choir & Strings".

Order full version of ART PYRITE for only $60

The additional sound bank Choir & Strings is now included directly in the latest version 1.51 so you do not have to download and install it separately.
The download link includes three RAR archives for easier download. Each archive is at size about 100 MB.

Contact me if you purchased ART PYRITE and need to download it again

Main Features
  • Two analog-style oscillators featuring 22 waveforms.
  • Two digital-PCM oscillators powered by 256 different waveforms in two internal source banks.
  • Two filters - 24db Lowpass and 12db Low/Highpass selectable.
  • Two amplitude ADSR-style envelope generators.
  • Two filter ADSR-style envelope generators.
  • One 16-step polyphonic sequencer with Random button of Volume level (BPM syncable or manually).
  • Two LFO with three amounts routed to nine different destinations (BPM syncable or manually).
  • One Sample & Hold with three amounts routed to nine different destinations (BPM syncable or manually).
  • One vLFO for very low frequency modulations (BPM syncable or manually).
  • One specially modulated droning chorus for the digital-PCM oscillators (9 modes).
  • One synced Cross-Stereo-Delay with feedback modulated by vLFO, LFO1, S&H or manually.
  • One Reverb unit.
  • The option Velocity Sensitivity.
  • One Random button to randomize different sets of waveforms and most parameters.
  • The possibility to load external SF2 files into digital-PCM oscillators.
  • MIDI Learn/CC Edit for most control elements.
  • Inbuilt MIDI CC/Value displays and Bank/Preset Manager.
  • 12 voices polyphony.
  • Low CPU usage.
  • Straightforward and readable UI - all control elements are on a single screen. Suitable for monitors with higher resolutions.
  • Three full preset banks sorted to sound categories: Atmosphere-Pad, Atmosphere-Ambient-FX, Atmosphere-Melody-Rhythm.
  • Most of presets have the setting to synchronisation of host tempo. These were made at default tempo 120 BPM.
  • Additional presets made by Daniel Kemp and Alter Boy Sounds.
  • All SF2 files are separate for the possibility to use them also in another software applications with SF2 support.
  • Included the version WAVE EDITION for the possibility to load own samples - *WAV files into oscillator 3 & 4. This version comes with 32 presets for your inspiration.
  • ART Pyrite + Wave Edition is now downloadable in three smaller archives for easier download. Each archive is at size about 100 MB.
  • All sound libraries and preset banks are included. More than 1000 sound presets.

Art Pyrite - Categories of Presets
Atmosphere - Pad  (the default internal preset bank with 127 presets)
Atmosphere - Ambient - FX  (full preset bank with 127 presets)
Atmosphere - Melody - Rhythm  (full preset bank with 127 presets)
Choir & Strings  (two preset banks with 256 presets)
*  Additional 30 presets of category Atmosphere made by Daniel Kemp (dnekm)
*  Additional miscellaneous 11 presets made especially for the free version
*  Additional 317 presets in three preset banks made by Alter Boy Sounds
*  Additional 32 presets come with the Wave Edition

Now the overall count of presets is more than 1000 !!

What people are saying:
*Sound Artitude:   " I downloaded the free version just a few days ago and was absolutely overwhelmed by the stunning sound quality and complexity of the beautiful sounds you have developed for this instrument and indeed the overall design of this VSTi. Having bought the full version yesterday evening it will certainly be a go to instrument for my media music work and my relaxation tracks released for meditation purposes. I always think it is important to give credit to people when they have produced something outstanding and this is definitely the case with this instrument. You are an inspiration to contemporary composers making a living in the world of music today. "

*C. Balcazar:   " I listened to the sounds and was mesmerized, like some kind of celestial rapture into Heaven. This is by far the very best Vst plugin I have ever bought in my life! I have a vast array of virtual instruments and nothing can compare to this beauty. Pyrite is gorgeous, unbelievable, extraordinary, godly... I cannot find the words to describe it. When you hear the sounds you will be travelling into inter dimensional planes of music you never even imagined. Congratulations on this marvellous product, it is the best Christmas gift any musician can get... "

*M. Intranuovo:   " Der ART Pyrite ist einer der BESTEN Software Synthis den ich besitzt und ich habe bereits um die 300 darunter auch OMNISPHERE.
ART Pyrite ist EINFACH GENIAL !!! "

*Z. Philips:   " This was just what I was looking for! This is instant ambient/new age/cosmic, holistic soundscapes! Such beauty .... Every patch tells a story ... a story that I very much like listening to! It's truly 'Art'! Anyways ... tried the free version and bought instantly! "

*  " Pyrite is amazing! I just spent about an hour going through your banks, and the presets are wonderful. You have done an amazing job! "

*  " Let me say this is the best free/commercial synth of the year, I just downloaded it and made some sounds, just three presets, but mind you this synth is amazing quality, truly beautiful sounds! Thanks again for a wonderful Xmas Gift! "

Download Art Pyrite - free version

Try ART Pyrite free version before purchase.
You can download a free version  here..  This free version has the following limitations:

- It contains only 32 default presets selected from all three default sound categories (full version has more than 1000 presets)
- It contains only 30 inbuilt digital-PCM waveforms (512 in the full version)
- It doesn't have the option to load external SF2 files
- It doesn't have the option Random parameters
- It doesn't include the version Wave Edition
- No nagging screen or annoying noise !!
- Free version of ART Pyrite was not updated
- Size of "RAR" archive is 31 MB - 36 MB uncompressed

Order full version of ART PYRITE for only $60

Mp3 demos
You can listen a several MP3 demos recorded of randomly selected presets from all sound categories in the full version by the player below.
Always only one key was pushed - not more keys (chord) were used at the same time.
It has not been edited by any external effects.

  1. ART Pyrite  -  Abandoned Clarinet  (category Melody/Rhythm)
  2. ART Pyrite  -  Air Stream  (category Atmosphere/Pad)
  3. ART Pyrite  -  Atomic Beetles  (category Ambient/Fx)
  4. ART Pyrite  -  Autumn Colors  (category Atmosphere/Pad)
  5. ART Pyrite  -  Bee Motion  (category Melody/Rhythm)
  6. ART Pyrite  -  Biologic Oxydation  (category Ambient/Fx)
  7. ART Pyrite  -  Exotic Overture  (category Melody/Rhythm)
  8. ART Pyrite  -  Happy Beat  (category Melody/Rhythm)
  9. ART Pyrite  -  In Empire of Death  (category Ambient/Fx)
  10. ART Pyrite  -  Long Transitions  (category Ambient/Fx)
  11. ART Pyrite  -  Lost in Rain Weather  (category Ambient/Fx)
  12. ART Pyrite  -  Mineral Emission  (category Melody/Rhythm)
  13. ART Pyrite  -  Onomatopoeia  (category Ambient/Fx)
  14. ART Pyrite  -  Orchestron  (category Atmosphere/Pad)
  15. ART Pyrite  -  Oxygen Energy  (category Melody/Rhythm)
  16. ART Pyrite  -  Polar Glacier  (category Atmosphere/Pad)
  17. ART Pyrite  -  Red Giant  (category Ambient/Fx)
  18. ART Pyrite  -  Rotating Star  (category Melody/Rhythm)
  19. ART Pyrite  -  Spirit of Pyrite  (category Atmosphere/Pad)
  20. ART Pyrite  -  Spirograph Nebula  (category Ambient/Fx)
  21. ART Pyrite  -  Sunspot Activity  (category Atmosphere/Pad)
  22. ART Pyrite  -  Undersea Reef  (category Atmosphere/Pad)
  23. ART Pyrite  -  Wind Voices  (category Atmosphere/Pad)
  24. Choir & Strings  -  Amazing Place
  25. Choir & Strings  -  Beautiful Harmony
  26. Choir & Strings  -  Dangerous Journey
  27. Choir & Strings  -  Falling Stars
  28. Choir & Strings  -  Forever Strings
  29. Choir & Strings  -  Heavenly Choir
  30. Choir & Strings  -  Christmas Song
  31. Choir & Strings  -  Philharmonic Orchestra
  32. Choir & Strings  -  Space Voices
  33. Choir & Strings  -  Summer Day